Sunday, 10 July 2016

Stranger than Strange: What is our Malcolm up to now?

Back on 11 November 2015, Prime Minister Turnbull was asked the following doorstop question from the media:
  • Prime Minister, on the Dismissal - we all say things we regret when we're 21, but do you still think the Governor-General is, I quote, “an unelected ribbon cutter" and did this event form your views on an Australian republic?
The Prime Minister responded:
    • Look I think if the Queen's reign comes to an end and the Constitution is in the form it is today, Prince Charles will become our Head of State.   He's not our Head of State. I see the Opposition Leader referred to him as a visiting Head of State.   He's not the Head of State.   The Queen is the Head of State, Prince Charles is her heir and our Constitution, as you know, says that the Queen in effect our Head of State, is whoever happens to be the King or Queen of the United Kingdom.   So if Charles becomes the King of the United Kingdom, as I’ve got no doubt he will be, unless our Constitution has been changed, he will become the King of Australia.   

    From this, we can ascertain that, in Malcolm Turnbull's eyes, the Queen of Australia is our Head of State.

    That said, and more recently as 2 June 1916 with the repatriation of 32 war dead from both Malaysia and Vietnam - including two spouses and 6 children - both Bill Shorten and Malcolm Turnbull chose not to attend the "bringing them home ceremony" held at RAAF Base Richmond, NSW.

    However, Bill Shorten did apologise for not attending the repatriation of Vietnam war dead ceremony but Malcolm Turnbull, who also did not attend, simply stated "The Australian government, the Australian people, were represented by our head of state, by the Governor-General, Peter Cosgrove, who is the highest office holder in our nation and who served in Vietnam and won a Military Cross there."
    Listen to Radio 2GB 2:00PM news of Friday, 3 June 2016 for verification:

    On the Alan Jones show on Wednesday, 8 June 2016, Malcolm Turnbull confirmed that the Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove, is definitely Australia's head of state.
    For further verification listen to Radio 2GB Alan Jones show on Wednesday, 8 June 2016

    But Malcolm Turnbull does have form.

    The Seven Network's Face to Face programme (Sunday, 23 November 1997) chaired by David Koch and helped along admirably by John Stanley (2UE) and Louise Dodson (Financial Review) successfully managed to give Malcolm Turnbull (Australian Republican Movement) a free half hour of self-indulgence to inform us, amongst other things, that a republic is NOT inevitable.

    For verification watch the following movie.

    In the ABC-TV 7.30 Report interview with Malcolm Turnbull conducted by Kerry O'Brien. Monday, 29 November 1999, Malcolm Turnbull now claims that a republic IS inevitable! The programme focused on his latest Book.

    For verification watch the following movie.

    It is hard to understand where Malcolm is at on the republic issue.

    So the latest thing is that the Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove, is our Head of State. Sir Peter is also an Australian.

    As the Queen's representative, Sir Peter is also the Commander-in-Chief!

    If that is the case then we have an Australian as Head of State and that there is now no need for Malcolm to pursue the republic dream anymore.

    The Australian Republic Movement's Peter Fitzsimons must be spitting chips!

    One can only wonder why the 4th estate hasn't cottoned on to this.